Snack Calorie ChartBEVERAGESCarbonated (per 8-ounce glass) Cola-type...............................95 calories Fruit flavors (10-13% sugar)...........115 calories Ginger Ale..............................75 calories Fruit drinks (per 1/2 cup) Apricot nectar..........................70 calories Cranberry juice.........................80 calories Grape drink.............................70 calories Lemonade (frozen).......................55 calories Fruit juices (per 1/2 cup) Apple juice, canned.....................60 calories Grape juice, bottled....................80 calories Grapefruit juice, canned, unsweetened...50 calories Orange juice, canned, unsweetened.......55 calories Pineapple juice, canned, unsweetened....70 calories Prune juice, canned....................100 calories Vegetable juices (per 1/2 cup) Tomato juice............................25 calories Vegetable juice cocktail................20 calories Coffee and tea Coffee, black..........................3-5 calories with 1 tsp. sugar....................18-20 calories with 1 tsp. cream....................13-15 calories Tea, plain.............................0-1 calories with 1 tsp. sugar....................15-16 calories CANDY, CHIPS, AND PRETZELSCandy (per ounce) Hard candy.............................110 calories Jelly beans............................105 calories Marshmallows............................90 calories Gumdrops...............................100 calories Chips (per cup) Corn chips.............................230 calories Potato chips...........................115 calories Popcorn (air-popped, without butter)............25 calories Pretzels Dutch, 1 twisted........................60 calories Stick, 5 regular........................10 calories CHEESE (per ounce) American, processed....................105 calories Cottage, creamed........................30 calories Cottage, low-fat (2%)...................25 calories Swiss, natural.........................105 calories CRACKERS Butter, 2-inch diameter.................15 calories Graham, 2 1/2 inches square, 2..........55 calories Matzoh, 6-inch diameter.................80 calories Rye.....................................45 calories Saltine.................................50 calories FRUITS (raw) Apple, 1 medium.........................80 calories Apricots, fresh, 3 medium...............50 calories Apricots, dried, 5 halves...............40 calories Banana, 1 medium.......................105 calories Blackberries, 1/2 cup...................35 calories Blueberries, 1/2 cup....................40 calories Cantaloupe, 1/4 melon...................50 calories Cherries, 10............................50 calories Dates, dried, 3.........................70 calories Fig, dried, 1 medium....................50 calories Grapefruit, 1/2.........................40 calories Grapes, 20..............................30 calories Orange, 1 medium........................60 calories Peach, 1 medium.........................35 calories Pear, 1 medium.........................100 calories Pineapple, 1/2 cup......................40 calories Prunes, dried, 3........................60 calories Raisins, 1/4 cup.......................110 calories Strawberries, 1 cup.....................45 calories Watermelon, 1 cup.......................50 calories NUTS (per 2 tablespoons) Almonds................................105 calories Brazil nuts............................115 calories Cashews................................100 calories Peanuts................................105 calories Pecans, halves..........................95 calories VEGETABLES (raw) Carrots, 1/2 cup grated.................35 calories Celery, 5-inch stalks, 3................10 calories Pickle, 1............................15-20 calories |
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